
Vault of Glass by Candace Robinson
Vault of Glass by Candace Robinson

It has to be pretty quiet in order for me to get the job done. I have a small office connected to my bedroom. Where do you usually go to write, and is there anything in particular you do to get yourself in the right mindset? Plus, I develop writer’s block if I try to do a complete outline! Even if I were to outline, the story usually changes for me as I get to know my characters and their journey. I have a general idea of my story, write down some scenes, and get cracking. What is your writing process usually like? When my dad passed, I knew I needed to do it now because you never know what’s going to happen. I would put it off because I always found myself busy with something else and said I would do it another time.

Vault of Glass by Candace Robinson

When my daughter started school and my dad passed away, I decided to finally start writing. I started staying at home because I get really bad migraines, hemiplegic sometimes. I love old horror movies, those are the best kind! I’m also a huge fan of the eighties and nineties! How did you get into writing, and when did you decide to pursue it as a career? This one is always such a toughie! I pretty much read and write during the day, mostly YA stuff. Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault | The Bride of Glass | Hearts Are Like Balloons Clouded by Envy | Bacon Pie

Vault of Glass by Candace Robinson

Two of her novels, Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vaultand The Bride of Glass, have recently been picked up by a publishing house and are set to release this year. I am incredibly honored to have had not only the chance to get to know her, but also to read and review her work, and help her to promote her amazing stories as well! Please make sure to check out Candace on her website, Twitter, and Goodreads. Today’s post is an interview with the lovely and talented author, Candace Robinson.

Vault of Glass by Candace Robinson